About Council

Church Council Nomination Form

To nominate an individual, please read the following and complete the form below. Please note that you are asked to work through the competency matrix with the individual you are nominating and submit an electronic copy to Craig Toews at ctoews@southabbotsford.com


Council nominees must be an active church member in good standing and acknowledge a commitment to serving on Council in this leadership role. Click here for a role description of a Council member.

South Abbotsford’s governance precludes immediate family members of the Lead Pastor, of the staff, or of any other Council members from serving on Council.

Nominees must sign a covenant to uphold the highest standards of participation, service, supportiveness, and tithing with regard to the church.

The Council shall be the servant leaders of the church and shall have general governance responsibility for the life and ministry of the church, ensuring that everything is done in accordance with the Word of God and the faith and practice of the BC and Canadian Conferences.  The Council is accountable to the congregation and shall exercise such authority as is delegated to it by the constitution, the bylaws, and the resolutions of the church.

The main functions of Council are:

  1. Delegating management authority and responsibility to the Lead Pastor.
  2. Determine the organization’s mission, strategies, and program priorities.
  3. Fulfill its fiduciary responsibilities: The Council is responsible for stewarding the church’s financial resources and ensuring that the church is compliant with all legal and regulatory requirements.
  4. Council is responsible for measuring strategic results achieved by the ministry and administrative staff and monitoring their performance in accordance with the governance manual.
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