We Pray.
We recognize that prayer can be hard for a lot of people, so we are committed to learning and practicing this essential discipline. We see prayer as the way we talk to and listen to God. We bring our requests, intercede and listen for God's heart for a situation or circumstance.
We believe prayer is powerful to change us and the world.
Soaking Prayer
Thursdays @ 9:30am
This prayer time is open to women and is focused on waiting and listening. Soaking prayer often involves quiet worship music or silence in the presence of Jesus. We practice learning to hear His voice and loving to be with Him for the purpose of knowing Him.
Contact Marilyn
Dates: Jan. 9, 16, & 23 and Feb 20 & 27
Location: Marilyn's Home
Sunday Morning Prayer
Show up Sundays at 8:15 or 10:15
On Sunday, we are getting a lot ready. But in the midst of the stuff, we stop to focus on the One. We're taking time to listen to God's heart for our gathering. What does His Spirit want to do as we come together? We long to partner with Him to see the Kingdom come here, now.
Wednesdays early
Early Wednesday Prayer
This is a time for men to gather early, so half-hearted people don't usually show up. This is the fiery heart of men who want to see revival come in this city. It always starts in us, though. Our hearts surrendered in passionate prayer!
Contact Chris
Come Pray
Open Mon through Thurs 9am-4pm
During office hours, our sanctuary and prayer room are open for people to come and pray.
The secret furnace of prayer is what fires our church and we believe becomes the catalyst for moves of God.