Our Leadership
We care about good leadership.
Leaders lead. And our church is packed with leaders. Some in formal roles but many in informal ways.
We believe that leadership is less about who can be loudest and most opinionated, and more about how we can serve one another in love. We have small group leaders of all ages leading life groups, kids programs, youth and young adults. We have Sunday serve teams leading us in worship and practically in hospitality and welcome. We have a dedicated staff and pastoral team leading us spiritually, as well as practical care ministries like deacons leading us to love tangibly.
In the most formal sense, we are led by a council of diligent men and women who love Jesus and are called to lead the church in unity under the headship of Jesus.

Leadership Team
Leadership Council
Our Council is the governing body that helps discern our vision and direction as a church.
These are men and women who serve as spiritual leaders who pray and walk alongside the staff and lead teams to ensure we are following after Jesus in every area of our ministry and mission.
Council Members
Lori Nickel (moderator)
Craig Toews (vice-moderator)
Dan Penner (treasurer)
Shannon Ardell​
Angela Boone
Daniel Dyck
Eldon Friesen
Jim Giesbrecht
Joanne Janzen
Mike Rogers
Reid Weibelzahl​
Co-Lead Pastors
For sure a weird one.
Isn't it hard enough to get people to agree as it is?
At South Abbotsford, we experience the beauty and challenge of shared leadership. We have two well-loved lead pastors who function with different gifts, mutually submitting to each other, and who lead our staff team in the same manner.
We believe this model expresses well the way we are meant to live in community together.

Garth Borthistle
Jonathan Headley
Deacons Care Team
This group oversees the care ministry of the church, alongside Pastor Connie. These men and women are also spiritual leaders who serve in practical ministry caring for the poor and needy, visitation, prayer, and welcoming our baptism and membership candidates.
Deacons Team Members
Larry and Colleen Adam
Norm Claassen
Kevin and Brenda Downey
Ed and Linda Dyck
Ryan and Ashleigh Esau
Erika Gautschi
Alan and Donna Goerz
Ellie Loewen
Chris and Jane Sperling
James and Esther Tully