Follow Jesus.
We aren't a social club or special interest group. And although we care deeply about city transformation, we aren't here to see social progress.
We are a people transformed by Jesus. We want to learn what it means to follow Him as disciples, and we are intentional about being formed into His likeness.
For us, following Jesus isn't just information you know or answers you give. It's about following the person of Jesus. Salvation is more than a momentary encounter, but a life altering reality. Our whole purpose reorients around these goals:

with Jesus
Our doing comes from being, with Him. We pursue His presence in worship, prayer, and community.
We grow in disciplines of contemplation, scripture, fasting and solitude.

like Jesus
Our pursuit is to become like Jesus. That we would sound and look like Him. The fruit of His presence growing in us.
We commit to disciplines like sabbath, generosity and intentional formation.

what Jesus
We want our lives to be filled with the kinds of activities Jesus pursued. Kingdom stuff!
We practice disciplines of hospitality, community and missional living.