Bible Study
What does it mean to live by grace?​
Do we have to keep the law to be a Christian? The letter of Galatians brings a relevant message that clearly defines the relationship between law and grace. Through our study of this book, we will discover the meaning of living under grace, experiencing freedom from bondage and being led by the Spirit. This 8-week study will be led by Jamie Toews and is open to women of all ages ​
WHEN: Monday evenings 7-9 PM
DATES: Jan. 13th- Mar. 10th
WHERE: South Abbotsford Church's Chapel (near the Gym)
COST of workbook: $22
Study Information
We offer two workbook options:
This is Precept's most in-depth study which offers the fullest Bible study experience with 4-5 hours of homework/week. (If you've done Precept studies with us in the past, this is the workbook we have been using.)
View homework sample: HERE​
In & Out
This condensed study offers the same essential depth as the regular workbook. Each study includes the complete text of the book(s) being studied, relevant maps, charts and timelines with 2-3 hours of homework/week.
View homework sample: HERE
Regardless of which workbook you choose, we will all be meeting as one large group on Monday evenings.
Payment Options
​Payment can be made by e-transfer to giving@southabbotsford.com, or at the church debit machine. You may also pay by cash, cheque, or debit at the South Abbotsford Welcome Desk on Sunday mornings or at the Church Office during the week. (please include your name and write “For Women's Precept Study” in the memo for all payments).
If cost is a barrier, please don't hesitate to contact us at women@southabbotsford.com
Workbooks for those who have pre-paid will be provided on the first day of class and Jamie will be emailing you with any further details. We are looking forward to having you join us!​
What Is Inductive Study?
The Bible declares that it is the voice of God recorded for the benefit of His creation - His living and active word. Inductive Bible study is a valuable tool in understanding and applying the principles of God's Word through 3 steps:



What does it say?
What does it mean?
What does it mean for my life?
When the Holy Spirit guides us, inductive Bible study can be transformational!